Set Up Filezilla Server

How To Set Up Filezilla Server Using The Site Manager Option?

In my previous post, I have explained the way you can set up Filezilla server to connect to FTP server using the “Quickconnect” option. While handling any tool, you always seek for any other alternative. In the case of Filezilla set up, you should know how to configure Filezilla using the “site manager” option?

You can connect to your FTP server using the both methods, though with the “Quickconnect” option, you can successfully get connected to the FTP server but, you won’t see the options to choose the type of connection. But in the site manager, you can use the account type.

How To Configure Filezilla Server For FTP?

The first question is always about the FTP account. Have you created the FTP account using the cPanel of your web hosting? And if you did then for the security purpose, you should know how to delete it.

For the security of your website, you should know the deleting process of your FTP account. It’s because hackers may use the unused FTP account as one of the backdoors to enter in your website.

How To Configure Filezilla?

The connection to the FTP server can be made by following the steps shown below:-

Step 1:- Download the Filezilla software on your computer and then open it.

Step 2:- In the menu bar of the software, you will see an option of “file manager”. You can find the direct button for opening the site manager just below the “File” option. You may open it using any option. Click on “new site” to add the name of your website.

Step 3:- Now in the right-side box, you have to fill the FTP connection information.

  • Host:- Just fill your domain name in this section. For example “”.
  • Protocol:- You will see many options for the selection of the FTP protocol from which select the “Only Use Plain FTP”. Though you will see that it is insecure but don’t worry about it. You can set the connection option using the password.
  • Logon Type:- It is the main benefit of using this process to set up Filezilla server. You can choose the “Normal” type or “ask for password”. In most of the cases when you choose the normal type, it automatically changes to the ask for password type. You can choose any.
  • User:- As you have done in the other way, just fill the cPanel username of your web hosting account.
  • Password:- The password should be the same as of the cPanel.

You would be glad to know that now you can choose the background color for the Filezilla. It has shown just below the password field.

Step 5:- The final step is to click on the “connect” button and wait for a while. It won’t take more than 5 seconds. If you get any error then you should check the login credentials. The username or the password should be correct.

If you get connected with the FTP server successfully then you will see “Directory Listing of “/” successful“ message. It means that the connection has successfully established and now you can see the directory files in the Filezilla. You can upload and download any of the files from the Filezilla only. You won’t need to go to the cPanel of your web hosting account.

Did You Come To Know How To Configure FileZilla?

With the previous post and this post, I have explained both the ways to set up Filezilla server. You can use any of them. Both the ways would work fine. Are you still struggling to know how to configure Filezilla server for FTP? Well, stop looking at any other alternative to access your website’s directory and set up Filezilla server.

If you run multiple websites on your web hosting server then you can access every website from the Filezilla. All the files and folders present on the web hosting server would be shown to you in the Filezilla.

by Ravi Chahar

A WordPress Professional and the LinkedIn Influencer. A coder by passion and a blogger by choice. WordPress theme development is his forte. He is your WordPress guy who will teach you how to solve WordPress errors, WordPress security issues, design issues and what not.

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